Laura Bostick, NCLB

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As a means of better understanding how various formats impact leisure reading among youth who are blind or have low vision, we’re looking for parents and teachers to help us find students to take part in a new research study.
As a result of this study, we will gain a much richer and robust understanding of factors that impact a child’s desire to read for pleasure, which may also impact academic performance. The knowledge that we’ll gain will be essential in helping us to better develop future policies and practices for preparing teachers.
In order to participate in this study, your child must meet the following criteria:
- Be between the ages of 8-22 and be enrolled in a school in the United States in grades 3-12;
- Have visual impairment listed as his/her primary diagnosed disability on his/her Individualized Education Plan (IEP);
- Have English as his/her primary spoken language;
- Have an active reading medium* of either print (any size/magnification) or braille; and
- Be willing to be videotaped reading for up to one hour.
*Note: To have an active reading medium of either print or braille, the youth must be reading on a level that is no more than two years below grade level (e.g., a 4th grader must be reading at a 2nd grade level or above) and must be able to read braille or print for at least 10 minutes. If you do not know your child’s reading level, you can ask his or her classroom teacher or teacher of blind students. We can do an assessment on him or her, as well.
If you are interested in having your child participate, please contact the Research Associate, Laura Bostick, at lbostick@latech.edu or (318) 257-4554.
Thank you for helping us to better understand the reading demands and abilities of youth who are blind or visually-impaired.
Photo courtesy Clker

Laura Bostick, NCLB